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jan 2001
![]() I have been going out a fair bit lately, trying to party hard with my friends from high-school, while they are all back in town before Uni starts back again, but so far no luck. Last night and slightly into this morning I was out with a few of my friends from high-school, and one who also goes to the same Uni as me, and my cousin. This group of people did not want to stay out all that late despite my continued efforts to persuade them to stay out past the 1.30 am that we ended up doing.
I was not happy about that, as I had set myself up for a big night and this was not it. Although their was plenty of dancing and drinking going on, the fact that my friends really didn't want to be there and were kinda waiting outside for me to come home with them was kinda distracting. But damn were there a lot of very visually pleasing people at the club. A plume of feathers were protruding delicately from one particularly hot lady's hair, which totally complemented and accentuated the style in which she was dressed. A lot of hot people, that is all I can say. Hot weather does wonders for seductive clothing, or maybe it is more likely the lack of clothing that does wonders for the seductive.
-- talk to you all later, blue
![]() The regular visitors to this site will recognize the redesign and format change of the site. All files are now smaller, faster and hopefully create a more enjoyable experience for you. And for those whom this is your first visit you are blissfully unaware of the problems of the past. Files that take simply over 20 seconds to download, and that is just not of the standard I believe in. I believe in fast and accessible content for all users and not just those with the T1 and T3 connections.
Well I think I am finally over the rush of Christmas and New Year, and the associated silly season. The New Year has been invigorating for me, my nine month relationship has split and I am happy to be beginning the new year a single chick. Fulfilled, honest and fit... well that is what my N.Y resolutions are leading me towards. I am unsure as to whether or not they will actually last past the end of February, but I am giving it my best shot. If you have any tips on how I can maintain my resolutions past this date
![]() I went to the bank to see if my pay had finally made it in there, and it had. Thanks to modern technology, and electronic transfers it was. Had it occurs some twenty or so years ago, I would have had to deal with a real person and the physical changing hands for the cash to appear in my bank account, for physical withdrawal. I love modern technology.
Well I have decided that I will go away regardless of the weather or any other hurdles that I would have used in the past as ways to avoid the trip. I am unsure as too how long the trip will be for depending on how much I like the person company I guess. I am looking forward to spending time with her, cause I think we should develop a good relationship over the duration of this trip. Well I would really like to anyway, I would love it if we could both be there for each other, and the others' company. Well I hope we can really get to know each other on a more intimate level. I will be giving it all I've got, so I hope she will be too. That is when we finally meet.
-- bluecrack
![]() Well, I am back from the city, and well I really am broke now. Not all that much money in my bank account at the moment, but I am sure that will change today. After I work, I will have last weeks pay will have been deposited into my bank account. I got some e-mail from my friends I met over the net today, all of them were wishing me a happy new years. But they also wanted my to do stuff with them, one wanted me to go clubbing, another to go drinking, and one to go away together, even though I really don't like roughing it I still think I might try to organise the trip anyway, simply to get to know the person better. I will have to be pretty quick to arrange something as I can't take my usual time to organise stuff, cause by the time I do, I probably should be studying again for Uni. That's going back to lectures and classes in very early March so I think there is time for us to go away between now and then. But I will have to be online more in an attempt to contact that person and make more arrangements, and plans. Anyway I think that is all that is happening at the moment, a lot of planning. Also I am probably chatting too much, but when is too much really too much. I will leave you guys to think about that for the moment, E-mail me if you have a definitive time when the line is crossed.
Talk 2 U all L8r - bluecrack
I hope everybody had a good night especially those who were out there celebrating the introduction of the new year, whether you believe it is the beginning of the new millennium, or simply another year of fresh opportunities. Work was really good today, working at a pay rate of 272% can have its benefits especially when for pretty much the first 3 hours of my 4 hour shift was only spent talking to staff members and doing very little work, well I can't help it that no people wanted to go grocery shopping before 11 am today now can I? The birthday/new years party was a great one. Spent all night with friends from school, and as far as I can tell a great time was had by all present. Unfortunately I had to leave early so I could catch a few measly hours of sleep before earning my millions, but it was still an eventful night. Welcome to the new millennium! I say. The party was still pumping when I left in the wee hours of the morning, and looked like it could go well into mid morning with the people present having a few too many bubbly alcoholic beverages. But then again what is a NY's celebration without a toast at the strike of midnight. "May the highlights of your past be the low lights of your future". Very deep I know, and while drunk, also very profound, but basically a wish that the future is getting better with every day that passes.
Well early tomorrow morning I will be traveling to the capital of my state to visit the "big city". Well actually to shop at the new years sales, but then again a bit of touristy sightseeing might also be on the cards for the visit. Shopping, and eating in cafes are the simplistic things I life about the city. Actually the cafes bring more too me that food, being the kind of person who likes to observe people, I like to sit there with a drink, and my eyes set to the distant activities of those simply partaking in their day to day city activities. Living where I do there is not all of that much an opportunity to observe so many people without sitting in one spot for the entire day, and generally cafe proprietors do not really like people taking up space while not spending money. I think I will really like to live in a bigger town or the inner suburbs of a city after I finish studying my degree, but even if I didn't want too, I think that is where my job would force me. So it is kinda good that I would like to live in the city, irrespective of the fact people often feel overwhelmed and insignificant in such places.