![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() past loves
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past loves
![]() This page of the site is dedicated to all those people who have either been a love, a lover or an admired stranger in my past. Pictures will be posted wherever possible and available. These 'relationships' are posted up here in reverse chronological order, with the most resent at the top here, and the earlier ones at the bottom of the page.
![]() One night stand??: After leaving the pub at which I saw Renee, my friends and I progressed to another pub. Here I saw Jaymin as he began to dance closer and closer to our group on the dance floor. Eventually he and a mate came over and danced with us. Once they joined the group a few of my friends left the group. I am not sure whether this was due to them being tired of dancing, or whether they were not interested in dancing with these guys. Either way those who were left enjoyed the night. A friend and I ended up 'partnering' Jaymin and his friend. The rest of the night was interesting, but during most of the night I was still thinking of Renee despite the lost opportunity. Dancing till close with Jaymin, helped me forget about the fact that the opportunity was lost. Plus I think I have finally found a guy who 'can' dance.
![]() Object of admiration: Dancing in the pub at uni night. Me eyes wandered around the room, and there was Renee. We danced together for a while, but only towards the end of the night. Renee couldn't follow us to the next pub on the party list due to work commitments the next morning. Work started about 6 hours after I asked if it was possible to continue partying with me and my friends at the next pub we had planned to go to. Unfortunately that opportunity was lost. Being due back on the barracks within 2 hours, didn't leave much time for us to progress anything, as many of my friends were dragging me out of the pub, to continue the nights' celebrations. My birthday admiration were left deserted.
![]() A Way Too Dedicated Boyfriend: This relationship was again begun under my initiative, I did ask him to dance at one of our local clubs. He said yes, from that stage on, the relationship was interesting to say the least. He was forever buying me things, driving my places, paying my entry to the pubs/clubs and basically following me around everywhere. I think he did all these things as I introduced him to the world of 'having friends'. He has one best mate; whom I never met as he never goes out, or more to the point pretty much never leaves his house. This one friend did not help the self esteem of Peter. He was so contented in his life before meeting me that he had no experience in any aspect of relationships. I told him that stalking was a no-no. After we broke up he forgot that fact for at least two weeks. He thought he had found something special, something for the long term, someone to settle down and start a family with. I had found something completely different. I found confusing feelings about him, and other people in my life. I knew I wanted somebody in my life, but Pete just wasn't it. He never really was, but it took a while for me too realize this. This relationship lasted too long for both of us. I began to lose interest after about 6 months, but didn't end it for about another 3 months after that; once I had settled all my feelings in my mind. Once I had them settled I told him. He knew something was bad, as I had stopped the physical side of our relationship. A didn't feel comfortable lying about the relationship with my body, while my mind was not dedicated to the whole thing. So it was over.
![]() Boyfriend: Yet another disastrous relationship. I was pretty much used throughout this relationship for my access and ability to part with my money on an all too regular basis. I bought all the drinks, I bought him smokes, I paid entry to clubs. I paid. I forgot to demand equality. I think I was hoping for some sort of physical / emotional return on this 'investment' but that never happened either. I am no longer going to get involved with relatives of friends... It just turns out to be a mistake.
![]() One night stand: After I noticed he was totally staring at me for at least an hour at the pub/club, I asked him if he wanted to dance. He did, so we danced for the rest of the night. He didn't dance well at all, but I had yet to find a guy who could dance. Then after the pub kicked us out 'cause they were closing, we walked home. But didn't get all that far before an intimate outdoor rendezvous. Well that was that, I left him there after, and walked the rest of the way home myself. That was the last I ever saw of him.
![]() One night stand: My first outing to a local pub with the girls. This was an interesting night. The relationship wasn't that hot though. More likely described as stone dead cold. But that night did inspire, at least, one of my art pieces for my art folio in my final year of high school. And I passed that subject so I guess that night wasn't in vain.
![]() Object of admiration: I can't remember why I liked this guy, I guess I got sucked into finding whoever I didn't have, as more attractive than the person I had. So that's it, a passing phase. Nothing serious, or too pathetic about it.
![]() Boyfriend: You could call what we had as a relationship, but it was more like my relationship with Matt but reversed. I was the object of his affection, and that was it. It never lasted, and had none of the things a woman would want in a relationship. Nothing at all. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. So I ended it after he started preaching to me, did I mention he was a religious nut? If I didn't let me tell you now...He was, and as far as I know, still is a religious nut. He finished high school, and went to Bible College, on the other side of the country. (I like to have that effect on guys.) Bye Bye, is all I could muster. I was not worried about the end of the world at 2000, and as it has been proven, I had no need to worry, as we are well past the "date of doom". The end of the world, does not scare ME. So he was gone! At least in my opinion, his ideas had not changed he kept following me around for about a month or so after the split. He was in denial for a long time. Too long for a healthy sound-minded person.
![]() 1st boyfriend: WOW. I was so excited that somebody was interested in me that I put up with all the shit the comes along with a relationship. Ogling and staring, cheating, and admiring friends. My 'friends' were admiring him. Let it be known that be the submissive person I was at the time, I was totally over run and chased out of the relationship by his best mate's cousin. Yeah we still talk, sorta. I say Hi, he grunts. I ask how he is going, He says Fine, and grunts. So this one is better left in the past, I think.
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